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Dayton Ohio Birth Photography- Cline

Now that I am a full time photographer I have the time and availability to accept clients who are looking for birth photography! I'm super excited about this. My husband and I struggled for years to complete our family so being able to be a part of this miracle is near and dear to my heart.

I met Lindsey at the local Bloom event that was put on by Dayton Mom's Blog. She is a blogger and now a mom of 3. You can see her blog here Fueling Mamahood. This particular birth was induced and seemed to be going pretty quickly so I headed into the hospital when she was 5cm around 8pm. Things seemed to escalate fairly quickly however, after time contractions started to space out. edications were given around 2am and everyone tucked in to get some rest. Unfortunately around 1pm the next day it was determined that a cesarean would be needed and they wheeled her down around 2:10pm. By this time, everyone was in very good spirits as the decision was what was needed to keep mom and baby healthy and we were all excited to meet the little guy.

Everyone did wonderfully and I was able to meet mom and baby back in the recovery room shortly after he was delivered. I was able to come back the day of discharge from the hospital and do a fresh 48 session and also photograph big sisters meeting baby for the first time.

I feel so privileged to be asked to be present for this life changing event. The love and raw emotion of the day really emanate from these photographs. I hope you agree.

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